Science Quiz on Battery Storage Device (+60 Questions)

Science Quiz on Battery:

     In  this post, we are going to see some questions on battery and its application. This science quiz on the battery is very helpful for 8th and 9th grade student.

Science Quiz on Battery Storage Device (+60 Question and Answer)1

Multiple Choice Questions:

1. Batteries are the storage devices for

a) Mechanical energy
b) Electrical energy
c) Light energy
d) Sound energy

2. The basic of battery technology is

a) Conversion of chemical energy into electrical energy
b) Conversion of electrical energy into chemical energy
c) Conversion of chemical energy into light energy
d) Conversion of electrical energy into mechanical energy

3. Find out the primary battery from the following

a) Lead accumulator
b) Ni-Cd battery
c) Hydrogen – oxygen fuel cell
d) Dry cell

4. Find out the secondary battery from the following
a) Hydrogen – oxygen fuel cell
b) Mercury cell
c) Lead acid battery
d) Dry cell

5. Battery contains

a) One anode and one cathode
c) More anodes and cathodes
b) Two anodes
d) Two cathodes

6. Find out the anode and cathode in the lead – acid battery

a) Pb & PbO2
b) Pd & PdO2
c) Pb & PbO
d) None of these.

7. The principle of primary battery is

a) Reaction is reversed when passing electrical energy
b) Reaction is not reversed when conducting chemical reaction
c) Reaction is reversed during chemical reaction
d) Reaction is not reversed when passing electrical energy

8. Which one is the reversible battery

a) Primary battery
b) Reserve battery
c) Secondary battery
d) Flow battery

9. In Laclanche’s cell the following is the electrolyte

a) NH4Cl
c) MNo2
d) All the above

10. Find out the nature of the reaction

Zn ------------> Zn 2+ + 2 e-

a) Oxidation
b) Reduction
c) Redox reaction

11. Normally at anode the following reaction is possible

a) Reduction
b) Chemical
c) Oxidation
d) None of these
d) Redox reaction

12. In cold weather condition, the following type of battery is preferable

a) Primary battery
b) H2 – O2 fuel cell
c) Alkaline battery d) Redox battery

13. Pb / PbSO4 is a representation of

a) Cathode
b) Electrolyte
c) salt bridge
d) Anode

14. Lead acid battery produces electrical energy is (if it contains 6 cells)

a) 12 V
b) 6 V
c) 8 V
d) 24 V

15. Lead-acid battery is used in

a) Telephone exchange
b) Power station
c) car and automobile
d) All of the above

16. It is not an advantage of Ni- Cd battery

a) Produces 1.4 V
b) Smaller in size

c) Long life

d) All the above

17. What is the anode and cathode of Lithium battery

a) Li & Tis
b) Li & TiS2
c) Li & TiS3
d) Ti & LiS

18. In lithium battery electrolyte in the form of 

a) Liquid
b) Gases
c) Solid
d) Plasma

19. Li generates higher voltage than other type of batteries because of

a) Least negative E o value
b) Most negative E o value
c) Least positive E o value
d) Most positive E o Value

20. Photo cell converts

a) Electrical energy in to light energy
c) Light energy into electrical energy
b) Electrical energy into mechanical energy
d) None of these

21. In P – type semiconductor this kind of impurity is added,

a) P
b) Si
c) B
d) Mn

22. Solar cells can be used to produceH2 by

a) Hydrolysis of water
b) Electrolysis of water
c) Neutralization of water
d) Mineralization of water

23. Fuel cell is a electrochemical cell in which the chemical energy of the fuel is directly converted into electricity without

a) Combustion
b) Cooling
c) Drilling
d) Quenching

24. In H2 - O2 fuel cell this will act as an oxidizer

a) Hydrogen
b) Oxygen
c) KOH solution nitrogen
d) All of the above

25. In H2 - O2 fuel cell this will act as an electrolytic solution

a) H2S
b) Graphite
c) 25% of KOH
d) 40% of KOH

26. The structure of the nanoparticles is

a) 10-6 m
b) 10-8 m
c) 10-9 m
d) 10 9 m

27. It is not a method of production of carbon nanotubes

a) Laser evaporation method
b) Carbon arc method
c) Carbon vapour deposition method
d) Chemical vapour preposition method

28. By laser evaporation method can make --------------------- m long tubes
a) 10 m
b) 100 m
c) 1000 m
d) 10000 m

29. In laser evaporation method the graphite target is heated up ------------ o C

a) 100 o c
b) 1000 o c
c) 1200 o c
d) 5000 o c

30. In carbon arc method carbon electrodes are separated by 1 mm at ----------- of the following helium.

a) 500 torr
b) 50 torr
c) 150 torr
d) 550 torr

31. In chemical vapour deposition method hydrocarbon is decomposed at

a) 1150 o c
b) 1175 o c
c) 1500 o c
d) 1100 o c

32. Match the following
a) CVD                           ---  Carbon nanotube
b) CNT                          ---   Single walled carbon nanotube
c) MWCNT                    ---   Chemical vapour deposition
d) SWCNT                     ---   Multiwalled carbon nanotube

a) b,d,c,a

b) a,c,d,b
c) b,d,c,a
d) b,d,a,c

33. In 1856 faraday prepared colloidal gold it is also called as,

a) Liquid metals
b) Metal gold
c) Divided metals
d) All the above

34. In CVD method we can produce a tube-like these

a) With open ends
b) With close ends
c) With edge ends
d) With corner ends

35. The following is used to discuss the electronic structure of carbon nanotubes

a) MVS
b) NMR
c) ESR
d) STM

36. The elastic flexibility of the carbon nanotube is more than that of

a) Steel
b) Iron
c) Copper
d) None of these

37. The carbon nanotubes are hard & stiff to bend because of,

a) High young’s modulus
b) Low radius
c) Low electrical property
d) Low young’s modulus

38. The nanotubes are bent, they do not break and can be straightened back into the original stage without any damage. This is because of,

a) Less amount of defect
b) More defects
c) No defects
d) None of these.

39. Tensile strength of CNT is ------------- times more than that of steel.

a) 2 times
b) 5 times
c) 12 times
d) 20 times

40. Nanomaterials provide

a) To transport electricity efficiently
c) To long distances
b) With lower cost transport
d) All the above

41. Solar cells are used in boilers to produce

a) Stream
b) Cold water
c) Hot water

d) Pot water

42. Fuel cells converts

a) Chemical energy into electrical energy
c) Electrical energy into mechanical energy
b) Electrical energy into chemical energy
d) Light energy into electrical energy

43. Chirality tells about the

a) How the tubes are rolled with respect to direction of T vector in graphite plane.
b) How the tubes are rolled with respect to direction of H vector in graphite plane
c) How the tubes are rolled with respect to direction of T vector in diamond plane.
d) How the tubes are rolled with respect to direction of H vector in diamond plane

44. The change in nucleus takes place by

(a) Chemical reaction
(c) Rearrangement reaction
(b) Nuclear reaction
(d) None of the above

45. Slow neutrons can bring about the fission of

(a) 90Th232
(b) 92U235
(c) 92U238
(d) 92Pb207

46. The material used to control neutron flux in an atomic reactor is

(a) Heavy water
(b) Paraffin
(c) Cadmium
(d) Graphite

47. The process 1H2 + 1H3 2He4 + 0n1 involves

(a) Nuclear Fission
(b) Chemical reaction
(d) Photochemical reaction
(e) Nuclear Fusion
(f) Spallation

48. Choose the one, which is not used as moderators of neutrons in controlled chain reaction

(a) Water
(b) Heavy1. Batteries are the storage houses for water
(c) Oxygen
(d) Graphite
(e) Paraffin

49. Match the nuclear reactor components.
            A                                                                             B
a) Coolant                                                    e) H2O, D2O and Graphite
b) Reflector                                                  f) Boron and Cadmium
c) Control Rod                                             g) H2O, D2O and CO2
d) Moderator                                               h) Graphite, Be and D2O

The correct matching is
 (a) a-h, b-e, c-f and d-g
(b) a-e, b-f, c-g and d-h
(c) a-f, b-h, c-e and d-g
(d) a-e, b-g, c-f and d-h

50. A nuclear reactor is called breeder reactor when the conversion factor is

(a) Zero
(b) One
(c) Less than one
(d) greater than one

51. The order of the fission reaction 92U235 + 0n1 55Cs144 + 37Rb90 + 20n1 + Energy is

(a) Zero
(b) One
(c) Two
(d) Pseudo first order

52. The principle involved in the atom bomb is

(a) Nuclear Fission
(b) Nuclear Fusion
(c) Spallation
(d) Both Nuclear Fission & Fusion

53. In alkaline battery, anode made up of

(a) Zinc
(b) Lead
(c) graphite
(d) Cadmium

54. Sulphuric acid is used as an electrolyte in

(a) Ni-Cd battery
(b) Lead Storage battery
(c) Fuel cell battery
(d) Lithium battery
(e) Both (b) and (c) is correct

55. The following one does not contains solid polymer electrolyte

(a) Lithium battery
(b) Flow type battery
(c) Alkaline battery

56. The attraction behind the fuel cell is

(a) Efficient energy conversion
(b) High noise and thermal pollution
(c) low maintenance cost
(e) All are incorrect
(d) (a) and (c) both are correct

57. The current conduction in the solar cell is by

(a) Movement of electron only
(c) Movement of both electron and positive holes
(b) Movement of positive holes only
(d) None of the above.

58. Which one of the principle involves in the wind energy mill

(a) Conversion of kinetic energy to mechanical energy
(b) Conversion of mechanical energy to kinetic energy
(c) Conversion of chemical energy to kinetic energy
(d) Conversion of kinetic energy to chemical energy

59. Lithium battery is

(a) Primary Battery
(b) Secondary Battery
(c) Both (a) and (b)
(d) none of the above

60. Nobel Prize in Chemistry 2020

(a) Work of Lithium ion battery
(b) Work of G-coupled Protein
(c) Ni-Cd battery
(d) none of the above

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